We’ve all been there: Sometimes working out makes you break wind (just search #yogafarts on Twitter if need to commiserate). But just because we all experience it, doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. Here’s why it happens,

Your digestive process speeds up during workouts

our sweat sessions both aerobic and anaerobic exercises tend to speed up the digestive process helping food pass through faster through the digestive track and thus to release the gas that gets caught in the digestive tract.


Heavy breathing

Also, due to heavy breathing and swallowing air through the mouth, the excess air can get trapped in the gastrointestinal tract only to be released through the anus.

On the other hand, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth will limit the amount of air that gets caught in your GI tract, in turn limiting the urge to fart

Vigorous exercises squeeze your core muscles

The pulsating effects of the vigorous exercises can trigger involuntary farting. Especially when you perform a workout squeezing those core muscles, you squeeze your colon too in the process pushing out the air through your digestive tract.


Gulping water

Gulping down water can cause more air to be swallowed into the digestive tract, which will get released either through the mouth or anus.

Instead of trying to hydrate all at once, she recommends drinking water all day long and sipping it throughout the time you’re at the gym.