These lower body workouts include a variety of exercises targeting the glutes, hips, thighs, abs, and back. Techniques change from exercise to exercise with minimal equipment, this at-home workout will shape your glutes, thighs, and calves.

Intermediate and advanced exercisers will get the most out of this workout


1. Body-weight Squats

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and slightly turned out with your weight in your heels.

Hinge forward at your hips and sit your butt back into a squat. Bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground.Drive through your heels to stand back up straight. Squeeze your butt and keep your core tight as you stand.


2. Glute bridge

At first glance, this exercise might look easy, but after a few reps, you should feel a burn in your hamstrings. You want to avoid lifting your hips too high so your low back doesn’t arch. But you can prevent the arching by activating your core as well when you lift your hips up.

How to do a glute bridge: Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-distance apart. Extend your arms up toward the ceiling in front of your chest. Squeezing your glutes, press your hips up off the mat. Pause for a moment and then bring your hips back down to the mat. To make this move more challenging, lift your toes off the floor and press on your heels.

3. Pyramid Planks


Begin in a plank position on the forearms. Press the hips up toward the ceiling while staying on the forearms (like an upside ‘v’) and gently press the heels to the floor. Hold briefly, come back to your plank and push up onto the hands. Hold for a few counts and then press into a downward dog, stretching the heels to the floor and the chest gently through the arms. Come back into your plank, lower down to the elbows and repeat the entire series 3-4 times.

4. Plié Squat

Stand with your feet wide, toes pointing out. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest.

Bend your knees, lowering your hips so your thighs are almost parallel with the floor. Keep your weight back in your heels and your knees tracking in line with feet.

Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely and squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement. This counts as one rep.

Do two or three sets of 15 reps.

5. Calf Raises

Out of your entire lower body, your calves are probably the last thing you think about, but this exercise helps you isolate them.

How to do calf raises: Stand with your feet together and hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Lift your heels off the floor, balancing on your toes. Hold for a few seconds and then bring your heels back down to the ground.